Sunday 13 May 2012

Last group update

here is animation I tried doing 

So we tried me and kristi to rig the boy in maya so we can animate faster the last shot since we know maya and here is the problem we faced.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Group update again

this is the image I referenced for my dragon walk cycle 

I also watch videos on youtube
this is among the ones that I used

through out the process I had little problems in texturing when I switched from using maya to using soft image so I had to texture again

Rigging was fun to learn because I had to carefully calculate how everything would work
while adding the bone lynn helped in soft image and we referenced a dog bone structure as the structure for the dragon
Bone for dog

I have to say now that it is coming to the end I am pleased because I have learned a lot about the 3d process through out and that was my main goal in that project.