Saturday 15 October 2011

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas

I'm trying to get inspired by finding ways to get ideas for the two short movies I have to do.

I got a book from the library called Ideas for the Animation Short and the authors are Karen Sullivan, Gary Schumer and Kate Alexander. What I like about the book is that it is not talking about exactly how to come up with ideas but rather tips and guide lines. I think they will be usefully in the future. What I liked the most was this tip.

When you have nothing....
  1.  Start with yourself
  2. Ask why something is the way it is
  3. Go into the world and watch
  4. Create some innocent trouble to test a situation 
  5. Read the newspaper
  6. Look at art
  7. Make an adaptation of another story
  8. Parody a current story or event
  9. Create a competition, play with situations
  10. Combine unlike things together 

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